Winnetka waiting list in effect: apply soon for a spot in the Fall
Winnetka waiting list in effect: apply soon for a spot in the Fall
We want our students to learn while having a good time. For the parents, we see our school as a place where people connect, feel welcome, and have a chance to participate in their children's educational journey.
The school is a place to connect parents thanks to their children. We want to encourage parents to participate in their children's educational journey by submitting any ideas to the teachers or administration (field trips, shows, events... etc.)
Communication is important. At LPEC we communicate with parents through different means: email, WhatsApp group, and meetings.
At anytime during the year you have the possibility to ask for a meeting with a teacher or the principal.
The French school goes on field trips several times per year, and we always need extra hands to take care and ensure safety during field trips. As a parent you can volunteer to be a chaperon after undergoing a background check.
Several times per year, the teachers take the students on field trips (museums, farm, botanic garden, shows...etc.) It is a way to escape the routine, going on an adventures and discover new things.
To celebrate the winter holidays in december in January and the end of the school year in June, our teachers create a musical show where children sing and dance. Of course, parents and grand-parents are invited!
Each year in June, we celebrate the success of our amazing French students. The party starts with a show by the students, followed by a graduation ceremony and an all-school picnic in a park.
We love our School Halloween Party in the Winnetka campus. It is a special day for LPEC's French students who can dress with their costume. They also go on a parade in the businesses of the Winnetka village.
Children can dress as they want on Valentine's day. We do special crafts and letter to celebrate the day of love.
As a tradition in the schools in France, LA PETITE ÉCOLE DE CHICAGO organizes its Carnaval. Students make their masks and go a parade in the Community House of Winnetka and in the village.